Willem Beuker - deceased 2008
As a friend of Willem Beuker who was born in Holland and emigrated to Australia in his teens and moved to UK in his twenties and, sadly died aged 59 in 2009 I would be interested to hear from any of his Dutch relatives. I am in touch with his sister Elly but would love to hear from any other surviving relative...
Eileen Digweed
Mar 3, 2013
by Eileen Digweed
The tenth century
The Scheldt boundary, which since 925 AD separated West and East Francia, was already by that time the boundary between the Celtic tribes and the Roman civitates. West Francia rapidly disintegrated, thanks to the increasing feudal powers. From the ninth century onwards it was no longer the Caroli...
The Netherlands between the Romans and the year 1000
Celts, Romans and Germans
The presence of Germanic tribes has been attested in the area covered by the Netherlands since the second century before Christ, when they were taking part in a migration towards the west. This was part of the so-called "Wandering of the Nations" which reached its peak be...
Mar 2, 2013
by Anke de Boer
Dutch art
During the Golden Age culture and art were flourishing in whole western Europe. The most popular style was the Baroque that was popular in Rome and Italy and had been introduced to the Dutch by Rubens, a painter from Flanders. In most countries there were just a few masters and many students and others...
The Dutch during the Carolingian Period (8th and 9th century)
The so-called "mayors", ruling in the name of the kings, gained more power now and knew exactly how to use it to their own advantage. One of the most powerful of such families were the Pippins. When, in 751 AD, the pope was threatened by the Langobards (Lombards), Pippin (Pépin) III came to his aid and wa...
Fred van Os
Mar 2, 2013
by Julien van Doeselaer
Dutch Pride World Wide! Great coffeeshops as well!
Dutch Pride World Wide! Think the way the Dutch have their coffeeshops is the best in the world.
Bill Beuker from Point Pleasant in West Virginia
Mar 2, 2013
by Ray Burger
Dutsch Streetorgans by Perlee
Just like to let you know there is a great site about those great Dutch Streetorgans of the Perlee Company om http://www.gperlee.com/
Trude Nöcker aus Rechlinghausen Germany
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in Zundert, a village in Brabant. He was the oldest son of Theodorus van Gogh and Anna Cornelia née Carbentus. In 1864 Vincent went to school in Zevenbergen and studied French, English and German. He started to work for the French art dealers G...
Theodor H.
The Tulip were originally a wild flower growing in the Central Asia and were first cultivated by the Turks as early as 1,000 AD. The flower were introduced in the westen Europe and the Netherlands in the 17th century by Carolus Clusius, a famous biologist from Vienna. In the 1590’s he became the direct...
Jan Beuker
Leo Fuld, the King of Yiddish Music
Sure and certain! Leo Fuld is the greatest of all the Yiddish Singers of the Old World! His very best album, The Legend, is called the Sgt. Pepper of Yiddish Music. More about Leo Fuld on the website http://www.mokumtv.nl/fuld1.htm
Raoul Kahen
Mar 1, 2013
by Anna Gerschowitz
How the Dutch still control the USA
How the European kingdoms divided the continent America among each other // how the Dutch still control the USA
It all started with Columbus.... He found the new continent but since he did not bring back gold to the Spanish kingdom, he fell in disrepute, see a verse of an old poem below:
Marcel Duinmeijer
Modern logo strenghthen your business strategy:
Jan 28, 2012
by Anonymous
Dutch government is piled up with Dutch reformed christians
The real story of the Dutch kingdom……
The republic of The Netherlands was a sanctuary for jews and Dutch reformed christians. In The Netherlands they were safe from ROME's inquisition…. From 1500 The Pruisian kingdom (later called the Dutch kingdom) gave strongly military backup to the Republi...
Marcel Duinmeijer
Nov 23, 2010
by Anonymous
The First Counts of Holland
Holland means "Woodland" in old Dutch, but is also the Viking name of a region in Sweden, called "Halland". The Vikings often visited this part of Europe until the 10th century. Those that stayed in Holland kept the lion in their weapon shields. Those of Holland in the Netherlands and Halland in Swede...
Jul 6, 2005
by John Edward., of Fargo, N.D
Purification of Dutch language by Coornhert
Language purification or "purism" are the terms used for the attempts to "purify" a language from all words which originally did not belong to that language. "Barbarisms" and loan words must, according to the purists, be banished from the language. [note: Dutch purists sometimes distinguish bet...
M. van Ingen
Jul 5, 2005
by S. Kooiman
Frisian language
Frisian is a West Germanic language which is spoken by about 400,000 people in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands. It is closely related to Dutch but also shows a number of striking similarities to English, especially at the lexical level.
Dutch is, however, the most important la...
Wiebe el-Oukili
Jul 4, 2005
by Norbert Noecker von Recklinhausen
Jan Vermeer was the master of painting simple tasks, often performed by women, and make the viewer see new and intense things in their everyday life. This way of painting was unique at the time and was described as “daringly original”. With a few exceptions, including some landscapes, street scenes...
Heidi van Delft
Jul 4, 2005
by Bill Brown from Pittsburg
The Dutch Merovingian Period (5th - 8th century)
In the year 406 AD the Germans invaded Gaul. The Franks followed the river Scheldt towards the south. As a result there was an extensive bilingual area occupied by Gallo-roman natives and Frankish invaders. After the collapse of the Roman Empire (476 AD) there rose a number of tribal empires, of whic...
Maria Kross
Jul 3, 2005
by Maria Kross
The Dutch has their very own tradition in December, Sinterklaas. This man should not be mistaken for Santa Claus even if they do have kind of the same job. Sinterklaas does not come from the North Pole and he does not have reindeers, brownies or a red cap with a tuft. Sinterklaas lives in Spain and he has a...
Merel Schoten
Jul 3, 2005
by Merel Schoten
Frans Hals was one of the first to make profit from the Italian painter Caravaggios style when it became popular in northern Europe. He was born 1580 in Antwerp, Belgium, but his family moved to Haarlem in 1591. He was twice married, had at least ten children, and was constantly in financial trouble. F...
Martin Voster
Jul 3, 2005
by Martin Voster